After interviewing hundreds of women from across the country, Serena Saitas, global brand strategist and the founder of REAL, noticed a cultural shift taking place in America. There was an uptick in young enterprising women who were making alternative decisions regarding their careers as compared to the generations of women who preceeded them. 

Based on early observations and her experience marketing to women while working with some of the worlds most recognizable brands, Serena boldly predicted that female millennial entreprenuers were going to disrupt billion dollar industries while forever changing the corporate landscape. 


In 2013, Serena began studying female millennial entreprenuers because she was intrigued by their side hustles. In 2016, she launched the first in-depth quantitive study in the U.S. exclusively focused on millennial women entrepreneurs. Serena predicted there would be a hyper rise in female millennial entrepreneuship which would give rise to a cultural movement. The insights from her study were compelling.

It was clear that millenial women founders were defying popular stereotypes and conventions, and fast becoming modern-day change agents. They were boldly leaving corporate America and their attitudes and behaviors towards their careers were very different then predecessors. More importantly, they were defining a new narrative around the way women could impact culture through entrepeneurship. The insights accumulated from this study informed her report called, “Crash the Glass.”


A Crash the Glass (CTG) platform was designed an alternative channel to bring the insights gained in the study to life. Through community and speaking events, intimate dinners and gatherings, Serena presented the work from her study while continuing to explore the topics of women, entrepreneurship, innovation and business, and the impact this idea of Crashing the Glass would have on broader culture.

The Crash the Glass report examined conventional marketing concepts, challenged the traditional segmentation of women and the road to product and service innovation through female led businesses. This research was was coined as “groundbreaking” and has been shared across the globe.


To learn more contact: info@realbrandstrategy.com

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